A Jamboree is a mass gathering of Scouts, Cubs and Beavers. JOTA is the annual Jamboree On The Air and JOTI the Jamboree On The Internet, providing a fantastic opportunity for Scouts from all over the world to make contact.
We erected an antenna on the school roof with the help of a dedicated team of radio enthusiasts and with the computer stations up and ready, 1st Madrid talked to Scouts troops in UK and around the world.

We made a a list of JID codes of Scouts we talked to in:
- Turkey
- North Carolina
- Norway
- Malaysia
- Namibia
- Australia
- Ireland
- Sweeden
- Switzerland
- Portugal
- Indonesia
- St Helens Merseyside UK
- Ukranie
- Austria
- Algeria
- Poland
- Bristol
- Scotland
- Tunisia
- Denmark
- Manchester
- South Africa
We even manage to catch a troop in Wisconsin USA as they were on camp!
1st Madrid British Scouts had a stand to promote our troop at the St George’s Autumn Fair and got a chance to explain Scouting to interested parents.
We are delighted that some adult volunteers from the Madrid Scout Museum came to help out with crafting activities and presented Cubs with a hand carved totem.
St George’s School held their Autumn fair on the same day, with fun activities, food and music. All the profits from the fair went to the school’s chosen charities UNICEF and Pequeño Deseo and our Scouts lent a hand and helped out clearing up at the end of the day. Legion 501 StarWars, who raise money for charity by doing photo calls, were there in full costume with Storm Troopers, Jawa and Darth Vader menacing the playground.
We had lots of wonderful opportunities to bring everyone together to talk to Scouts all over the world, do some community work and help out, and have lots of fun at the fair.