October is the month when the 1st Madrid troop take part in JOTI, which was the Jamboree over the Internet, where we connected with other Scouts from all over the world.
This month we welcomed several new children to Beavers and began by singing our song. We spent a few minutes explaining about our uniform, our promise and the Scouts signal. We did a worksheet all about ourselves and played a game to get to know each other better. Then we named the new lodges and started the sticker chart for 2017/18.
Finally it was time to start working towards the Digital Citizen, Communication and Digital Maker badges. We learnt what the inside of a computer looks like. We also learned how to log on to a computer, open an e-mail account and send an e-mail. We logged onto the Scoutlink IRS chat to start collecting JIDs as part of the Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI). And we also spoke to some Scouts from Argentina, South Africa and Portugal via Skype.
It was a fun meeting and we can’t wait to see each other again for the winter camp.

All the three sections were fully involved in JOTI, talking to scouts all over the World (Japan, Indonesia, Poland, Albania, Germany, UK, Canada, USA …).